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Faculty & Alumni

Standing on the Promises (Wilson)

Standing on the Promises (Wilson)

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Author: Douglas Wilson

ISBN: 9781885767257

Binding: paperback

Section: Faculty & Alumni

Subtitle: A Handbook of Biblical Childrearing

God has designed each family to be a culture with a language, customs, traditions, and countless unspoken assumptions. The culture of the family intimately shapes the children who grow up in it. It is the duty of the father to ensure that the shaping takes place according to biblical wisdom. Some fathers establish a rebellious culture for their children and bring upon their children the wrath of God, sometimes for generations. Other fathers fail to establish any distinct culture, and outside cultures rush to fill the void.

Douglas Wilson argues in this book that God promised blessings to His people, "their children, and their children's children forever." The norm for faithful members of the covenant is that their children will follow them in faithfulness. The oddity should be children who fall away. Unless we reestablish faithful Christian culture in countless homes, we will never reestablish it anywhere else.

This book is part of the Canon Press series of books on the family, which has helped many people trying to deal with the on the ground messes that come with sinners living under the same roof. This book on childrearing covers the basic duties parents have to their children, as well as much biblical advice on the particularities that come with it.


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